Saturday, June 26, 2010

Sat On His Chest Sitting On Him

lot of smoke and no fire ... ultimatum unacceptable G8!

While the Oxfam team, in Canada, is preparing to greet their beloved home is now in Huntsville and the G8 leaders arrive in town, here we have just heard it's already released a statement on the funds devoted to maternal health (strange as that still have not even begun negotiations!) While it may seem a seemingly good news indeed be a disaster for millions of poor. Why? In fact, the global leaders are putting their old promises $ 50 billion more in aid, under the rug and now they are reallocating funds to finance old this new initiative. This would mean that the poorest people, already suffering most from climate change is that the economic crisis, for example, must choose between the education of their children and care for maternal health. There are so many ones to be outraged and openly denounce this injustice. Read the discontent of Scarlett Johansson, Annie Lennox, Gael Garcia Bernal and many other activists and Oxfam Ambassadors.

Dorothy Ngoma, Executive Director of Nurses and Midwives of Malawi said:

"As a midwife I believe it is crucial to invest in maternal health, but I also know that it is essential have food on the table and clean water to drink. Nobody should be forced to choose between these things. New promises will not do any good if the old ones will be ignored "

'creative Reporting' - a deadly game for poor people

It seems that as soon as new leaders are elected commitments in the past be forgotten and replaced by new promises .
When we talk of 'old promises on aid' has now reached the verdict: still missing $ 20 billion from the world's largest. There seems a lot? The introduction of a financial transactions tax (FTT- ) Could raise $ 650 billion a year.


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